Dear Modern Parent - First, thank you for your courage and vulnerability. I wish I had your courage 24 years ago when my twins were born and I had to supplement my nursing with formula. The girls were first twins and cried most of the time so my husband and I never slept while both working full-time. At two months, the girls were diagnosed with caulic and I had to be on a very strict non dairy diet and put them on special formula which back then was $24 a can for the smallest can. The lack of sleep and financial burden pilled up. What I did not know back then is how aware and sensitive I was and I had two aware and sensitive children. Their crying was not the diagnosis at all. The more aware I was getting the more i picked up the sadness and stress of everyone around me. The more steps I took to relax and find minutes to nurture me is when the kids were actually the calmest. 15 years later I found some tools from Conscious Parents/Conscious Kids which really opened my eye to what I was experiencing with the newborns. The good news is there is light at the end of the tunnel, the key is your openness and patience. Your wife is probably added a layer of guilt with the stress of nursing as most mom's do to be a good mom. Actually the more we relax, the more our kids are happier and less stressed. Now one of the things that I do is to travel the world and work with parents and families to assist them in creating more communion with each other and the kids. I am happy to gift you and your wife a 30 min consultation. You can message the team at if you are interested.